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Bishop and Mother Brown-2 - eawilson@emb


On March 3, 1996 Bishop Thomas Brown Sr. was expelled from Apostolic Church of Jesus, Inc.  Thinking that his pastor ship was over, Mother Thelma Griffin helped him recognize the need to continue and establish a place of worship.  Being led by God, he set out on a journey.  This took him on a course that has brought us to this point.  Each step in this journey was ordered and orchestrated by God!


God used Missionary Mary Longstreet to show Bishop Brown vacant land that was owned by Gary and Betsy Bagwell, of the local business Bagwell Lumber Company, to inquire about purchasing that property for a church. Originally, they were not interested in selling, however, due to their knowledge of Bishop Brown they were so moved by his dismissal that they agreed to sell it to him without hesitation.


Working with our then administrator, Katrina Lunsford, a plan was put together to develop the land and to establish an organized church.  Through dedicated efforts and God’s leading Mother Diane Watson, a name was agreed upon, Faith Pentecostal House of God.  With the name agreed upon, Bishop and the church Administrator took it to the next phase.  Title searches, legal inquiries, applications, appraisals, blueprints, estimates, and putting together church articles were completed in order to establish a corporation.  The list of requirements continued with the finalization of bank loan documents, project-cost breakdowns, a church history, and a 501c3 obtained.  If people knew what it takes to establish a church the right way, more thought would go into it!  More importantly, more effort would be put into doing what God commissioned a leader to do; which is preaching the gospel in order to save souls!


Mother Beauta Brown, Bishop’s wife, recognized God’s hand in this, and with fervent prayer, faith, and staunch support, consented to allowing the church services (AKA Holy Ghost Headquarters) to be held in their personal home.  Mother Wanda Wilson asked for permission to use the City of Avon Park Civic Center until the church building was completed.  She also purchased a pair of shoes which represented Bishop “hitting the ground and running”!


Bishop Brown’s vision didn’t stop there.  In order to have a safe and separate place to fellowship, the gym was enclosed, and air-conditioned.  The saints felt it right to later name the gym in honor of Bishop and Mother Brown; Brown’s Gym.  To help educate the youth and establish a thrift store, additional buildings were bought and refurbished by Bishop Brown, Elder Eric Wilson, Elder Clyde Weathers, Brother Robert Wilson, and the deacons of the church.


Faith Pentecostal House of God, Inc. now sits on a five-acre complex which houses an enclosed gym, an old thrift store, and buildings used for a daycare.  The total cost of this project was around $800,000, and through the leadership of Bishop and Mother Brown, God allowed it to be paid in full ten years before the final mortgage payment was due!! Thank You Jesus!!


We understand that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new era under the leadership of Pastors Eric and Alencia Wilson.  Let us continue to work together so that God can establish us, strengthen us, and settle us (1 Peter 5:10).  To God be the glory!!

Pastor Katrina Lunsford


 Founding Church Administrator


“You can’t change where you’ve been, but you can change where you’re going.”


Faith Pentecostal House of God’s mission is to

Serve, Assist, Vitalize & Empower

(SAVE) people to live for Christ!



The Church with the Community at

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